Hello world!

Welcome to my North Ruckle Project.

I hope to eventually have a lot of pictures, videos and stories here to help tell the history of the community of North Ruckle . . . a community that is no more. And soon there will be no trace it ever was outside historical preservation sites like this.

Why no more North Ruckle?

Well in 2018 there was this flood . . .

Why do this project?

Because I can and I saw no one else stepping forward to do it.

What do I hope to get done with this project?

Essentially I want this site to be a celebration of the community that was North Ruckle.

  • Historical offerings encapsulating the century+ history of the community from it’s beginning to its end.
  • Personal stories from the people and families that made this their homes (I hope).
  • Pictures organized so visitors can see how the community fit together and where the houses / homes were in the context of the day.
    That means being able to view those houses as they were at the start of their existence as well as at the end of it.
    Being able to travel the roads of the neighbourhood.
    And at some point have an Augmented Reality experience where you can use your mobile device on site in the coming green space to see what was there in the past.

It’s ambitious I will admit. But it won’t happen overnight or even in a short time – I’m envisioning a 2 to 3 year long project before it’s complete.

I don’t want to be the only person working on this . . . so if you have a yen to help out drop me a line at northruckle (at) gmail.com.

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