Earlier this month (Feb/2022) I got noticed by the media. Actually it was long time Gazette staffer, and local history buff, Della Mallette who brought this to their attention – Thank You Della.

First it was the local newspaper, The Grand Forks Gazette.
Thanks Laurie Tritschler.
And Della Mallette.

Then it was MyGrandForksNow
Thanks Gregg Nesteroff.

Then Chris Walker from CBC Radio Kelowna’s Daybreak South interviewed me. You can listen to that at this link:
Thanks Chris Walker.
And finally CBC TV noticed . . .

Brendan Coulter from Cranbrook came and interviewed me about this:

You can watch that interview on their Twitter feed here:
Thanks Brendan Coulter.
This has brought the project to the attention of the public. As a result I’ve gotten a lot of well wishes. A number of people have come forward to offer help in the form of pictures, video footage, stories, etc . . . which is great.
I’ve even had a city councilor ask what the city can do to help. I’ll be working on that 🙂